Sunday, 9 January 2011


Last but not least i created the bird, i like the top and side view but am not to keen on the front and back view as the bird looks very thin and the folds don't stand out as much and get lost in amongst one another.


Using the same technique i created my butterfly which i think turned out well and still gives that origami look with all the folds being included so it doesn't look as flat.


As our logo had been created in illustrator then taken into cinema 4d i decided to experiment and create my origami in illustrator.

I like the way this turned out as it is a nice clean look compared to the actual origami i made and it still includes alot of detail as i drew in all the folds.

Origami bird

Sticking with things that can fly i created a bird as i feel this will also fit in with more environments and will work better as our logo will also be flying around in the air.

Origami butterfly

The butterfly could also be used in a city environment or any other environment. This is the one i am most pleased with as i feel it will fit in more with the logo and also the folds stand out more than the bug which looks kind of messy.

Origami bug

As my groups 4 MATIONS idea was to do with paper flying around and coming together to form the logo in different environments we felt other paper assets should be included.

Using online tutorials i created an origami bug this could be used in a city environment.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Textured 4

I felt the 4 logo looked far too plain and flat so i did an experiment using different textures to try and lift it a bit. As this logo looks like paper the textures i used were different kinds of paper from crinkled to toned.